Verdict: A good horror movie with good plot in recent years

It's been a long time since I last watched a good horror movie - the horror movie nowadays are mostly:

1) A human killer which silently or openly kill one by one in the movie
2) A demon/spirit/ghost that kills people who, unintentionally found them
3) Some spirit that kept possessing people that subsequently did bad things while possessing

So this movie, I could somehow see some tribute to Alfred Hitchcock, and after wiki-ed about the director Sam Raimi, only I found out that apart from directing Spiderman that made him famous, his "core talent" is filming horror movie, such as Evil of Dead

This movie's title is corny, I guess the director purposely made it. The starting of the movie looks absolutely like those cheap horror B-movie - yes, again, I believe the director purposely made it, perhaps paying tribute to his own Evil of Dead trilogy made in 80's + early 90's.

I thought the actress did a good job in acting - she can act in the way that audience might think whether she psychotic or she could really see "those" things.

Yep, inevitably, there were cheap-scare (i.e. using the sudden sound effect to scare people) but I thought it was not overly-used.

And one thing, this movie used some kind of black comedy, so expect some disgusting stuff (like nose-bleeding like fountain etc)

Two moral value we could learn from this movie:
1) Treat people nicely (God knows they would place a curse on you)
2) Don't lie to anybody (indirectly, lying was the partial reason why she went to hell)

Yes, as the title suggested, it's a clear spoiler, eventually the lady was dragged to hell and I think the poorest person was her boyfriend, who's a Prof in psychology but yet he had to accept this kind of supernatural sighting.

Rating: 8/10