This is the toothpaste that was part of my childhood's memory. The design back then was way better with the simpler and cleaner design, with all the animals sitting together.
I remember it cos I wanted to use Darlie (back then, it's called Darkie) toothpaste badly.
Strange? Yeah, I didn't quite fancy the taste and I wanted to use Darlie like adult - that's why it was so memorable.
I had a chat with my sister yesterday about this toothpaste, and I discovered an unknown secret - she likes orange flavour the most, and sometimes, she would go into the washroom, just to squeeze a bit and eat.
Yes, eat. In Malay, it's "makan" and in Mandarin, it's 吃
How about you?
the ad sounds like this:
我们都爱。。。KODOMO LION!!!!!!
darry: hahaha, yeah!! good old memory!
hmm.. you sister.. tsk tsk tsk...
imagine orange flavour comdom now. :P
too bad kodomo dont have durian particularly the 猫山王 flavor
weihan: it won't happen cos no one would love to eat condom!
ront: lol, later all the kids 發熱氣 after brushing teeth
no one would love to eat toothpaste as well!!
weihan: agree. I'll discuss with her and get back to you on the result.
Cos she's been assuming that there are others who ate Kodomo Lion toothpaste occassionally...
ah. assure colleen she is fine wtf.
no wonder we're meant to be.
emily: so what's your favorite flavour?
another nostalgic memory about kodomo lion was the kinda stupid advertisement:
*in mandarin*
teacher:how old r u?
small boy: 5 years old
teacher: so clever & ur teeth r so white. which brand of toothpaste u use?
small boy: *take out kodomo lion from the bag* kodomo lion!
can someone please explain to me why a small boy would bring toothpaste to school???
meow: I think that boy is the extreme case of my sis - he even eats kodomo lion (God knows which one is his favorite flavour) in school!!!
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