Verdict: Action-packed from the start till the end. Illogical but acceptable.

I watched this movie because of the movie director - Stephen Sommers. Because of his previous movies (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns & Van Helsing) I watched with high expectation.

This movie lived up the expectation.

Despite there's some logical issue in the movie (such as, how the people survive from all the shootings, bombings. Low security in both GI Joe & Cobra HQ etc) the back to back actions didn't allow me to think much about it.

This G.I. Joe is not the original G.I. Joe cartoon that I watched when I was small - which they use conventional weapons.

High-tech weapons were used in the movie - not in a cheesy & overused way.

There were too many characters to be introduced in this movie, but the director handled well and was able to deliver the message - this reminds me of another movie Star Trek, which the director did a good job in introducing many characters too.

Fun, high tech weapon & back to back action - reminds me of Iron Man & Star Trek too.

However, the extensive use of computer graphic (with the current technology) means there were still some parts that didn't look quite realistic.

But it's the idea that counts.

I thought the director did a good job, for turning the comic/animation into the film - creating another league of its own.

Rating: 7.5/10

P/S: I'll definitely watch this movie again, because I missed the first 5 minutes of the show, for some reason!! $!$#@!%!%! It's a RM20 movie some more !@#!#%!