Verdict: This movie still delivers, in a way.
Ops, I forgot to put up the review of this movie.
Basically, many people told me that this movie isn't worth the watch.
I had watched and I can say - don't put too much of high expectation.
A lot of things you've seen are already featured in the first episode - but since you are watching Iron Man 2, you don't expect things like Platinum Man, right?
That's my point here - you are watching the next installment of the comic superhero - so it'll still be the Iron Man.
Story wise, it's quite straight forward and it's very comical like.
There are funny scene, there are funny jokes - just like first episode.
But if you expect to find some new idea out of Iron Man 2, compared to the time you watched Iron Man - I'd suggest you to wait for the movie like... Thor.
Oh, it was featured in the movie, in a way ;)
Rating: 7/10
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