Verdict: A good take on life, with an unusual (or, impossible?) angle, blended with good thoughts

This movie tells a story of a man called Benjamin Button, who started his life with an old man outlook, and "grew" backwards to become a baby in the end.

Sounds ridiculous but what's important is its plot.

The starting of the movie had already touched me - when the movie talks about Benjamin, being abandoned because he "looked old" - which coincidentally has the similar case with what I had seen lately in real life.

Then, in several parts of the film, it talked about death. And before those people died, they would tell Benjamin on how he should take on his life - which is like the summary + reflection of their life.

The good thing about this film is that it combined pieces of stories that runs almost 3 hours, which isn't boring.

On the illogical side, how would Benjamin find the time to write the diary, especially when he had been busy having fun with Daisy? But since this is a fictional story, it is totally forgivable :P

This movie reminds me of a film Big Fish, which will also leave you having good thought about life.

Just a thought, would people appreciate life more, if they grow backwards?

Rating: 8.5/10