Since my late granny's departure last year January (to be exact, it's end of Dec 07) my grandfather has been alone.

They had been together for a long time, and their relationship had been good.

Even there's one time, when my mum's relative organised a trip to Cameron, he chose not to follow because my late granny didn't wanna follow.

Two days ago, he called up my mother, told her that he felt very bored at home.

He mentioned that nobody wanted to talk to him, he had nobody to talk to, and he feels like he's dying. (he is staying with my uncle's family)

He doesn't have any hobby as well.

Story from my uncle's side - my grandpa had been fussy over a lot of things - fussy over the small little things not done, record the phone call usage, record the gas usage etc.

That could be the reason why the people around him started not to like him.

What's more, my grandpa is a person who takes monetary issue seriously - every dollar and cents could be a big issue in his eyes - which probably explains why he is recording down the utility usage.

There's no immediate solution to this situation, as he's also a very stubborn person.

What's more, he is a person listed in bankruptcy (for being a guarantor to his friend who fled overseas), he can't even go back to China to visit his relatives.

My father said that this is "the dilemma/sad story of an old man"

Thought for us? Develop a better hobby to avoid such a situation in the future? Don't stick too close with your partner?

Or, any lawyer that you can introduce to help him to get out of the bankruptcy list?