Verdict: Unbeatable script with unbeatable 'performances' from all the toys!

The movie started with Hollywood-grade scene - first thing that worth the movie ticket

The movie has a lot of funny scenes - second thing that worth the movie ticket.

The movie has unpredictable, or to be at least, unexpected ending - third thing that worth the movie ticket

The movie teaches you on how to appreciate the things that belong to you - if you can't take care of it, give it to someone who could - fourth thing that worth the ticket

The movie teaches us that, kind looking people are not necessarily kind (here I mean the strawberry flavor bear) - fifth thing that worth the ticket

This movie is better than Toy Story 1 & Toy Story 2 - sixth thing that worth the ticket

This movie has a great ending - seventh thing that worth the ticket.

Rating: 10/10


ZMiN said...

I laughed my ass off, and I teared a little as well during the last few scenes.

Love the tortilla bit, the Spanish Reset mode, and actually the big baby that everyone thinks is freaky!

Trevor said...

This movie is a gem, period.

Unknown said...

i'll give it 11/10 it's not another third series of the same episode...
like the way it ended...
something for everyone of us to take home :)

fast fast go find things which are still useable but not suitable for you anymore
donate to people who are in need of them :)