CHEERS! (in serious face though)

The leaders of Malaysia should read this - on how to overcome a potential racial issue.

In the nutshell,

1) The police (Crowley) assumed and overreacted that Gates was commiting crime.
2) Gates overreacted when the police was carrying his duty (he thought it's about racial issue)
3) Obama, chose the wrong word to comment on the situation (he thought it's about racial issue, too)
4) Obama knew that he was wrong and after admitting his mistake in press conference, he invited Gates and Crowley to a "Beer Summit"
5) In the end, CHEERS for everyone.

Look, a simple gesture can solve a potential big racial issue.

With Malaysia, that's famous of all kind of food, of course, I'm not asking for non-Halal way to have the summit with Muslim friends, but, this is inspiring - and it came from the president of USA.

Read the full detail here, it's interesting :)