Lately I've got the opportunity to hang out with Cancerians, frequently. (a term nicked for person who is a Cancer)

Of course, with my little knowledge of horoscope, I can summarise them as follows: (sarcasm intended, but I believe that explains the situation best)

1) They are action type of people (a common traits for cardinal sign)

2) They often have special idea because they love to do things unorthodox-ly. That gives them the ability to have unique strategy and outperform sometimes. (erm, for crab which doesn't walk straight, how can they not doing things differently?)

3) They are perfectionist of things they do (they'll feel reluctant to start a job/project/task if the requirements are not met or components/people are not ready)

4) They are generally viewed as "the most caring sign" among the 12 signs

5) On point #3, that's why, they get pissed off when the elements prepared are not 'perfect' (hence the bad mood)

6) And because of point#5, they are also famously known for being 'emo' (yah, emo till they'll have the most negative thoughts, in contrast with their 'caring' image)

7) They are not keen to let people understand why they are acting like that (point#1-point#6, especially the emo part). (and hence they give the 'emo' image to people)

8) And once hurt, they, will be like crab, hide back to the shell (and doing the stuff stated in point #6 and #7)

Please don't mistake me, Cancer is a special sign which I admire for their unorthodox way of doing things.

Reason is being quite simple - for a sign that can't even walk straight, how do you even expect them to think straight? (hence the unorthodox as well as emo)

Again, I'm trying to be sarcastic but I (seriously and really) do admire them :-)


Yeo Pei Chen said...

thanks to bcome my admirer

Trevor said...

peichen: you are welcome :)

ZMiN said...

Hey guess wut Imma Cancerian too! And the emo part is damn true la! Pt 6 and 8 r accurate, but me being a perfectionist? U come and tell my parents that i believe they'll laugh their heads off

Trevor said...

Zmin: ever wonder why you are fussy sometimes over something?

Or even get pissed by it?

Yah, that's the perfectionist i'm talking bout.

eNG hOnG said...

I also Cancerian... do you feel speechless? :p